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First One Accounting and Tax Office (approved tax

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 28 Dec 10:12 am من الشارقة

أخرى - إعلان ديتسيلس

First One Accounting and Tax Office (approved taxFirst One Accounting and Tax Office (approved tax agency) 1 - Preparing approved Balance Sheets. 2 - We provide approved I CV certificates. 3 - Reports of consulting experience. 4 - Submit tax refund requests. 5 - Reconsideration requests to reduce administrative fines. 4 - Business plans and feasibility studies. 6 - Internal audit. 7 - Providing accounting software (tally - Quickbooks - Peachtree) ​/ Mobile & Whatsapp: 00 971 50 390 2611 Tax and Money in Sharjah Emirate Emirates