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I am from Fujairah, I need a babysitter urgently f

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 29 Sep 11:09 am من الشارقة

تمريض و مختبرات - إعلان ديتسيلس

I am from Fujairah, I need a babysitter urgently fI am from Fujairah, I need a babysitter urgently from Philippines or Indonesia or India or any Asia nationalities, should have an experience in the baby care 7 months old, the babies will be in the nursery school from morning until 2pm, but you will stay with us all the day in our home in private room (free accommodation - free WiFi - free food and toiletries - salary AED1800) ​/ Email: maryam.1m@hotmail.com Child Care Vacancies in Sharjah Emirate Emirates