النجم الثاقب لنقل اثاث
Amin Movers 0507636965


للبيع من قبل MEMBER 22 Jan 01:01 am من الشارقة

أجهزة سيارات - إعلان ديتسيلس

الشارقةالشارقة جهاز ماكسيداس 808 بشموليه واسعه و تغطيه واسعه لجيع السيارات اليابانيه و الكوريه و الامريكيه و الالمانيه يعمل بنضام مطور بنظام اندرويد بمعالج رباعي سريع جدا Based on the Android operating system, MaxiDAS DS808 is featured with an extensive coverage of OE-level diagnostics. Installed with a fast quad-core processor, DS808 offers maximum convenience and efficiency for your diagnosis and analysis. The intuitive user interface makes using the device effortless through a 7-inch LCD touchscreen that displays at 1024 x 600 quality. Extensive vehicle coverage for more than 80 US, Asian and European vehicle makes Exceptional OE-Level system coverage for all electronic systems Complete capabilities for codes, live data, active test, ECU information, adaptation, matching, etc. Smart AutoVIN technology for identifying vehicles easily Automatic system and software updates with real-time push message notifications via Wi-Fi Instant remote control tech support anytime, anywhere Cloud-based Maxi