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Kia optima - model 2020, white insider black colou

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 28 Dec 10:12 am من الشارقة

جيب-jeep للبيع - إعلان ديتسيلس

Kia optima - model 2020, white insider black colouKia optima - model 2020, white insider black colour, full option, fingerprint, large screen, fuel economy, wheels, camera, full control of the steering wheel, LED lights, running 20000 km, cruise control, Android system, 4 cylinders, all - inclusive installment AED1250 - send papers to me WhatsApp (passport copy, passport, ID - salary certificate - IBAN number) and within two days of submitting ​/ Mobile & Whatsapp: 00 971 50 813 8237 Kia Carnival For Sale in Sharjah Emirate Emirates