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For rent Labor Camp in the Sikamkam area in Fujair

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 29 Dec 10:12 am من الفجيرة

سكن عُمال للإيجار - إعلان ديتسيلس

For rent Labor Camp in the Sikamkam area in FujairFor rent Labor Camp in the Sikamkam area in Fujairah, located directly behind Al silsila cafeteria, consisting of 13 rooms 7 medium rooms and 6 large rooms) 13 bathrooms + large kitchen + small kitchen + 6 external sinks for ablution, not including air conditioners (windows) and furniture, Maintenance and cleaning on owner, a large front area for parking cars and buses, the rent is annual ​/ Mobile & Whatsapp: 00 971 56 547 0909 Labor Accommodation For Rent in Fujairah » Fujairah