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Amin Movers 0507636965

For sale an Arabic house (popular) in Ajman locate

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 11 Aug 01:08 am من عجمان

بيوت شعبية للإيجار - إعلان ديتسيلس

For sale an Arabic house (popular) in Ajman locateFor sale an Arabic house (popular) in Ajman located in the Al Bustan area on a dirt street consisting of 3 rooms + hall + board + 3 bathrooms with an area of 2000 SqFt 185.81 SQM per SQM current income AED28000 families without a contract required at the required price of AED460000 (life) To inquire about the number, sorry, serious only ​/ Whatsapp only: 00 971 50 179 6224 or 00 971 50 865 1231 Traditional House For Sale in Emirates