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For sell an Arab house in Ajman, Liwara Al Bustan

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 11 Aug 01:08 am من عجمان

بيوت شعبية للإيجار - إعلان ديتسيلس

For sell an Arab house in Ajman, Liwara Al BustanFor sell an Arab house in Ajman, Liwara Al Bustan area. Size 2000 square feet, the third piece of main street, very close to the port Street. Two sections. Two counter. Regular contracts and checks. Freehold for all nationalities. Annual income of 39600 dirhams. Required 550 thousand dirhams for inquiries ​/ Mobile: 00 971 56 759 9107Whatsapp only: 00 971 56 715 2027Email: gamalalerby.sw@gmail.com Traditional House For Sale in Emirates