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Amin Movers 0507636965

SGN General Contracting deals in all sort of build

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 24 Aug 07:08 am من ابو ظبي

صيانة وكشف تسربات - إعلان ديتسيلس

SGN General Contracting deals in all sort of buildSGN General Contracting deals in all sort of building Construction, Demolition, Decoration and Parking. 1 - Qarmid 2 - Tabooq 3 - Plaster 4 - Paints 5 - Bathrooms 6 - Kitchens 7 - Electric Work 8 - Gypsum Work 9 - Steel Fixing 10 - Plumbing 11 - Majlis decoration We have qualified staff and we do work with personal surety. Your satisfaction is our at most priority ​/ Mobile: 00 971 55 748 1948 or 00 971 56 726 7292Email: gnemirates@gmail.com Contracting in Abu Dhabi Emirates