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General contracting company in the field of carpen

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 24 Aug 07:08 am من ابو ظبي

صيانة وكشف تسربات - إعلان ديتسيلس

General contracting company in the field of carpenGeneral contracting company in the field of carpentry and dyeing, super lux finishing, on delivery in the field of decoration, wardrobe bedrooms, cupboards, kitchens, wood parquet floors, door, window, and rooms equipped to all animals by adapting everything in the field of carpentry in general with dyeing any color, complete finishing on delivery, latest shapes ​/ Mobile & Whatsapp: 00 971 52 612 9968Email: hsm_taha2018@yahoo.com Contracting in Abu Dhabi Emirates