النجم الثاقب لنقل اثاث
Amin Movers 0507636965

Direct sale HMS1 iron and PP plastic with iron HMS

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 10 Aug 01:08 am من ابو ظبي

مواد بناء - إعلان ديتسيلس

Direct sale HMS1 iron and PP plastic with iron HMSDirect sale HMS1 iron and PP plastic with iron HMS1 scrap per ton and ready to buy retail and loading, we have discounts for bulk purchase contracts for large quantities, goods suitable for re - manufacturing of iron and plastic factories locally and internationally, Agreements and contracts concluded after inspection and sighting of goods, shipping available, price in ton does not inclu ​/ Mobile: 00 971 50 512 0393 Building Materials For Sale in Abu Dhabi Emirates