النجم الثاقب لنقل اثاث
Amin Movers 0507636965

Need a cladding technician, with 2 to 3 years expe

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 10 Aug 01:08 am من ابو ظبي

فنيون - إعلان ديتسيلس

Need a cladding technician, with 2 to 3 years expeNeed a cladding technician, with 2 to 3 years experience, in a signage company based in Abu Dhabi. salary will be from AED1300 to AED1800 based on the skills. food accommodation transportation provided ​/ Mobile & Whatsapp: 00 971 52 609 4176 Technicians Vacancies in Abu Dhabi Emirates