Water leak problems often arise when resorting to Uday

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 23 Jul 08:07 am من الرياض

صيانة وكشف تسربات - إعلان ديتسيلس

Water leak problems often arise when resorting to UdayWater leakage problems often arise when resorting to inexperienced people. Therefore, we are interested in training the best technicians to detect water leakage in a proper way in order to avoid the events of any cracking or sabotage at home is carried out using the latest digital device. Accuracy in locating leakage. Detection is done without cracking definitively. We provide water infusion detection services in bathrooms, kitchens and water systems. Treatment of moisture in the walls. All plumbing, ceramics, insulator installation / Mobile + WhatsApp: 00 966 55 071 4410