We are looking for Pastry Cook Can prepare patries

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 26 Aug 01:08 am من الدمام

سكرتارية - إعلان ديتسيلس

We are looking for Pastry Cook Can prepare patriesWe are looking for Pastry Cook Can prepare patries, cakes and bread. using the exact and proper measurement. Cab cook desserts like pies, fillings, puddings, custards following the exact ingredients. Also prepare and mix ingredients to make icings, decorate cakes and pastries. 4. I also prepare and make croissants, danish, cinnamon rolls and puff Pastry. 5. Making different kinds of bread like bre ​/ Whatsapp only: 00 966 59 396 4444Email: mohammed.almutairi_@outlook.com Tourist and Restaurants Vacancies in Dammam Saudi Arabia