Selling and Training on Tally.ERP9 Accounting Software المنامة

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 15 Jul 03:07 am من المنامة

أخرى - إعلان ديتسيلس

Selling and Training on Tally.ERP9 Accounting Software المنامةالمنامة The software helps you to organize your books of accounts as per the following:
Chart of accounts / Groups and ledgers / Accounting vouchers (purchase, sales, payments, receipts, journals and deposit) / Cash and bank books, petty cash, bank reconciliation, cheque printing / Inventory Systems, cost of goods and profit at item level / Payroll system and salary slips / Financial reports (Profit and loss, Balance sheet and Trial balance) / Creditors and Debtors' statement of accounts / Security control / Cost centres / Budgets / Multi currencies / Multi Companies...etc.

Tally Single User BD 300
Tally Multi User BD 800

Our services include installation, configurations and online training.

For more information please call on : 366 - أظهر الرقم -