With special prices and spaces /The offer is ongoing for rent offices المنامة

للبيع من قبل MEMBER 24 Jul 06:07 am من المنامة

أخرى - إعلان ديتسيلس

With special prices and spaces /The offer is ongoing for rent offices المنامةالمنامة You can start your business by obtaining an office space or address for your correspondence through El Azzab Group in Bahrain in this locations (hidd -Adliya - Diplomatic Area - Sanabis area ) in Bahrain include:
- The reception area
- Meeting Room
- Free Wi-Fi
- Electricity and water

By visiting us in the 10 th floor luxury Gulf office 1003 Adliya offices
Or through direct contact with one of the company's representatives on the following numbers:
- 331 - أظهر الرقم -
- 341 - أظهر الرقم -
- 344 - أظهر الرقم - (2)